Friday, February 4, 2011

The Aebi-Schwartz Proposal

HOW TO SAVE $2,000,000+ (or about 25 teachers) FOR 2011-2012.
(not including benefits or MS/HS teacher reductions)

Our understanding is that the anticipated deficit for 2011-2012 of at least $3.5M from the rollover budget is related to a decrease in federal and state funding, increases in benefits and other costs, and the possibility of a NYS cap of a 2% increase in property tax.

With viable consolidation plan(s) or not, the estimated savings from these plans are only a small part of the anticipated deficit, therefore, the bulk of cuts will unfortunately be from teachers and programs.  This cannot go on year after year.  If 30-40 teachers are cut this year, then looking ahead, there will be no teachers by say 2016.

Since the impact of increased class sizes on teachers and students is felt more than cuts to administrative staff, we recommend administrative staff downsizing. If certain personnel have served needed functions in more economically friendly times, a bare-bones administration is now required.

Cuts in administration can bring back programs and teachers in areas where reductions would be severely felt.

1. Non-Union Salary Freeze:

We commend the BOE and Superintendent Rice’s Non-Union Personnel Salary freeze for 2011-2012.  This represents at least $20,000 savings (estimated at a modest 1.5% increase).

2. Administrative Reductions:

As per Mid-Hudson School Study Council statistics1 and New Paltz Central School District Enrollment Projection2 estimates, enrollment has been and will continue to decrease.   However, as per Empire Center For New York State Policy3, teaching staff increased by more than 10%, and non-teaching professional staff by more than 20%.  Administrators will have to do more with less staff.

Suggested Reductions:
Note all salary figures are approximate from 2010-2011 budget, and do not include benefits.

2.1) Eliminate 1 FTE - Asst. Superintendent for PPS – $110,000

The Asst. Superintendent for Curriculum (who makes $150,420) would cover PPS as well, with the 2-FTE Special Ed. Coordinators (who make $88,870 each) for K-5 and 6-12.  If two Assistant Superintendents were required in the past, hopefully programs, policies and procedures have been implemented to allow fewer Assistant Superintendents now. In this financial crisis, we can no longer afford staffing at this level.

2.2) Eliminate 2 (of 4) FTE clerical staff for Asst. Superintendents of Curriculum and PPS – $80,000
2.3) Eliminate 1 (of 2) clerical FTE from Asst. Superintendent for Business staff -  $50,000
2.4) Eliminate 1 (of 2) FTE office clerical – Duzine - $30,000
2.5) Eliminate 1 (of 2) FTE office clerical – Lenape - $35,000
2.6) Eliminate 1 (of 2) FTE office clerical or 1 FTE office aid – MS ($34,000 or $22,000 respectively)
2.6) Eliminate 2 (of 4) FTE office clerical – HS - $66,000
2.7) Eliminate 2 FTE library clerks – $41,000
2.8) Eliminate 2 FTE couriers – function replaced by other staff, better use of technology - $77,000
2.9) Eliminate 2 (of 3) FTE office clerical for guidance counselors -  $70,000

Approximate Savings: $580,000 (not including benefits) – saves about 9 teachers.

3. Duzine/Lenape Consolidation:

If the Duzine/Lenape consolidation plan proves viable, we have some comments, suggestions, and questions-

3.1) Since all projections expect this fiscal crisis to continue for many years, there must be a way for consolidation plans to be permanent – not temporary.  If the space if not adequate long-term, then the plan should not be implemented, or long-term solutions must be made.

3.2) The ‘school-in-school’ concept that the Superintendent is advocating – meaning not consolidating administrative staff for the combined elementary school - is not appropriate in this fiscal crisis.  Nine hundred students with one principal and one assistant, and the teachers and support staff seems like a safe learning environment – (probably what most of us experienced if attended public school).

3.3) Eliminate 1 FTE - Principal for combined Duzine/Lenape - $110,000

The role of Principal at Duzine, is different from the Principal and Asst. Principal (Student Support Services A2110) at Lenape, based on the age of the children.  With a combined elementary school, we feel one Principal and one Assistant Principal will allow for both leadership and handling student population.

3.4) Eliminate 1 (of 2) FTE - Nurse for combined Duzine/Lenape - $50,000

3.5) Eliminate any redundant positions in custodial, kitchen, music, art, gym, and library - ($??,???)

3.6) Although the details of the consolidation plan have not been specified, based on the estimates of increased class sizes as per Superintendent Rice at the January 27th, 2011 BOE Meeting:

Current Class Size
2011-2012 Class Size
K – 2
19 – 21
22 - 24
20 – 22
23 - 25
4th – 6th
22 – 24
25 - 28
7th – 8th
23 – 25
26 - 30

This class size increase represents 7 or 8 teacher reductions. Using the estimated cost per teacher of $80,000 (including benefits, from last year’s budget presentations), this represents at least $560,000.

3.7) We await details on how exactly Duzine fits into Lenape.

3.8) Where will BOCES go if not located in Lenape, but needs to be mainstreamed?

3.9) Why Duzine is not available for other uses, if shown to save money overall, i.e.:
3.9a) move rented District Offices on DuBois to Duzine
3.9b) move BOCES from Lenape to Duzine; mainstream via busing for PE, etc.
3.9c) use available space to alleviate issues with Duzine/Lenape consolidation, i.e. bus back to Duzine for certain programs.
3.9d) use Duzine as temporary space for alleviating issues with Middle School repairs/renovation

3.10) A unified class schedule permitting a single elementary busing schedule, means less mileage and wear on the buses.

3.10a) What are the expected savings from a single elementary bus run?
3.10b) Does this affect the requested $500,000 for new buses?
3.10c) Are there any details regarding the requested amount for the new buses, i.e. statistics on the age of bus fleet, maintenance cost, and reason for new buses?
3.10d) Can any needed buses be phased in over several years, i.e. one bus per year?

Approximate Savings: minimum $720,000+ from personnel, +one bus run, + operating one elementary campus
4. Teacher’s Union:

There seems to be general agreement that teacher salary and pension costs must be contained for school systems to be viable in the future.

4.1) Can you supply public (non-confidential) information regarding any negotiations with the teacher’s union in terms of salary increases? Pension?

4.2) Have increase caps been discussed regarding pension, benefits, salary?

4.3) Where does the Teacher’s Union stand on how to navigate this fiscal crisis?
Can the union representative give an official statement regarding their preferred option from the many bad ones?

4.4) Are efforts being made for planning several years ahead – for long-term solutions to pension and benefits increases? Is there a task force dedicated to this effort?

5. Misc.

5.1) The ‘four day student week’ was mentioned last year, and again this year, and Superintendent Rice mentioned at the January 27, 2011 BOE meeting that it was not a legal option for NYS.  We think this option should be eliminated from discussions of alternatives, as it would simply put the logistical and monetary burden of the extra day without school on the parents.

6. Teacher Salary Freeze:

6.1) A teacher salary freeze will save approx. $700,000 (based on 2010-2011 increases) and keep at least 9 teachers. This should occur regardless of whether Governor Cuomo’s State Worker salary freeze happens.

7. Administrator Salary Cuts:

7.1) In keeping with Governor Cuomo’s own 5% salary cut (saving $8,950 from his $179,000 salary), we would like to see the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendents, and Principals (all making more than $100,000) take a 5% salary cut.  This would save approximately $65,000, which is another teacher saved.

Anthony Aebi, Esopus, NY – parent to 2nd, 5th, and 7th graders.
Eric Schwartz, Esopus, NY – parent to 2nd, and Kindergartener ‘2012.

2 Enrollment Projection 2010-2019 (F.A.C.T.S.)

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